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Looking for information to get multiple views created for reporting. Not ll views contains data need/wanted to  create the report. We were advised this is a major task to set two views to be available in one report.



Tim McWade

What kind of report is this? Reports developed by R&D can use as many views as needed, the data is assembled using PL/SQL code and can be fetched from many sources.

We are using crystal reports and only have limited rep views. We are unable to pull any other views into crystal reports. 

If you can create a new view, you can create one that joins the two views you want to use.

@Mathias Dahl having that tied to an operational report isn’t feasible though, is it? If we have one report id, an example being customer order, we couldn’t modify or join views as the IFSPRINT permission set does not have permission to access other views. 

This works with ad hoc quick reports but not for Operational reports for IFS Cloud. 

Please correct me if I’m wrong, but this has been our understanding of it, as described by our consultants


You will need to modify the report to make use of the new view.

… or just change the code to also fetch data from other views. I think the conclusion is that this is something that cannot be done with only configuration.
