
Uploading Info Text to Part

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Uploading Info Text in Part is tricky. Would like to borrow your mind. It might need some technical manipulation so as to upload into IFS.


Thank you.


4 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +8


I believe you're talking about the field INFO_TEXT in die view PART_CATALOG.

What is the problem in this case?

- The migration itself using the migration tool? 
    1. Create a CREATE_TABLE_FROM_FILE migration job with at least two fields (PART_NO and INFO_TEXT_SRC) to load the data into an IC_-table.
    2. Create a MIGRATE_SOURCE_DATA migration job to fetch the data from this IC_-table, add the view name PART_CATALOG to the method list and then do the mapping for the two fields (PART_NO and INFO_TEXT). You can delete every field in the source mapping or in the method_list_attribute overview which you don't need. Execute the job.

- Or might it be a problem using CR and LF (Carriage return and Line Feed) in this field? If you want to have this then there must be some special characters which you normally do not use, e.g. $$$, and then you can use a replace statement in the mapping to add this CR and LF to IFS. E.g. replace(info_text_src,'$$$',CHR(13)||CHR(10))



Userlevel 7
Badge +16

@Jens Thank you for your input. 

Just wondering whether we have any other good way to handle this, because using “replace(info_text_src,'$$$',CHR(13)||CHR(10))” is really a pain. We have to put ‘$$$’ at every spot where CR and LF take place, even for one part’s info text.

Thank you.

Userlevel 4
Badge +8

I don’t know which IFS release you’re using but probably the IFS Data Migration Excel AddIn might be an option?

Then you also have to create a simple migration job because the IFS Data Migration Excel AddIn is based on a migration job and then you can use MS Excel to migrate/change the INFO_TEXT field.

But for IFS Applications you need a license to use it which costs money and the ealiest version it was available was IFS Applications 8 SP2 I think.

Or are you using IFS Cloud?

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

@Jens Thank you for your reply.


We are on APP10 UPD9. We are on the cloud. 


Thank you.
