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We’re getting this error when updating a custom field in Customer_Info_Cfv created/added at data migration.

It’s a simple update with just the CustomerNo and the new custom field, MS Set.

Any ideas what to correct?






I wonder if it’s possible to add any value to custom field through procedure INSERT_OR_UPDATE

It can work for basic view, but for custom field you should likely use MIGRATE_SOURCE_DATA and in Method List use method Customer_info_cfp.new__

For custom fields, the primary key on table customer_info_cft is rowkey(objkey) not the key columns from basic view.

Does anyone found this possible to migrate through INSERT_OR_UPDATE?



fyi, we added the ADDRESS_ID column and it ran successfully w/o errors, and said # rows modified, but when we checked the CustomerInfo screen they did not update.

Yes, I’d expect such behavior since it touches only base view/table, not custom fields table.

If you add in Method List a custom field view, then in method it still points out to the base API and methods New and Modify, not the custom package.

I’m still at my point it’s not possible to update CF through INSERT_OR_UPDATE.

ok, thx for the info- good to know!

Hi @DevBob

you can check the technical documentation for detailed info on how to do migration data into custom fields: 

Location: see the breadcrumb path


Hope it helps.




great, thx!

I am a little late to respond but i believe the Customer Info view uses the Customer_Id and not Customer_No.  You should be able to migrate data into a customer field.

In some cases you will need to specify the Method List Attribute, more information can be found here:

In the Method List Attribute the OBJID_@10 is mapped to OBJID_ parameter in the INTFACE_DEMO_USER_CFP.CF_NEW__ method and ATTR_ is mapped to ATTR_CF_ in INTFACE_DEMO_USER_CFP.CF_NEW__. OBJID_@10 is a reference to the OBJID_ value returned by the method invoked in Execute Seq 10 in Method List (the OBJID_ value returned by the call to the INTFACE_DEMO_USER.NEW__ or INTFACE_DEMO_USER.MODIFY__ method). The value is used by the custom fields LU to create the connection between the INTFACE_DEMO_USER object and the custom fields object. A custom fields CF_NEW__ method has two attribute strings - the mapping to ATTR_CF_ ensures that the custom fields values are passed in the correct attribute string. 

Remember, method list attributes for XXX_CFP.Cf_New__, should only contain the custom field attributes ( CF$_), INFO_, OBJID_, ATTR_CF_, ATTR_ and ACTION_. Other fields should be removed. 




I hope this helps.



