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I am using IFS Apps 9 and would like to know if there is a way to mass import media items (images) in a folder and then associate them with inventory parts.  The images are named by the inventory part number.

Could this be a data migration job…?

Anyone done this type of import before, or similar?

Any help would be appreciated.

I looked into this once and i didn’t think it was possible using data migration, because the targets are blobs/clobs.

I half managed to create a PL/SQL script that would do it, but it wasn’t very good and I’m afraid i did not keep it.

I looked into this once and i didn’t think it was possible using data migration, because the targets are blobs/clobs.

I half managed to create a PL/SQL script that would do it, but it wasn’t very good and I’m afraid i did not keep it.

Too bad you didn’t keep it, I might have liked looking at it.  :)

Maybe someone else has had this come up before….


Hi Jeff,


We have some software which does this with documents for IFS Docman. I'm sure it could be adjusted to work for Media Items.


Drop me a message with your contact details as we can set something up.



Hope you’ve found a solution for this already. I had to deal with exact same scenario for Shop Orders and was able to build a working prototype for mass import and attach media items.

Please have a look at the attached script on how I managed to do it. Hopefully it will help someone.

I’ve used Application Messages to read the images into IFS since doing the same with oracle UTL_FILE would be lot of extra work.

Steps needed to mass import are...

 1. Name your image as order_no].png
 2. drop the images to the File reader IN folder
 3. run this script


This will create the media item and attach to the shop order just like below.

Most of the content in the script is copied from Apps10 Media_Panel_SVC package but the script should work for Apps9 and I should be thankful to the IFSer who build Media_Panel_SVC for Aurena, It helped me a lot :sunglasses:


!!! If you have any monitoring for Failed application messages, switch it off before performing this.



