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I created migration job named “PURCH_REQ_MIGRATE_MNTJ”. But the user can not see this. How can I activate the migration job to the user.  Or should I confirm the permission set?



Hi Sahango,


pls check if the user who should have access to the data migration job is already listed in the Data Migration Basic Data - Authorized User / Pr user and the mentiond migration job is added to the objects of the user.

(not 100% sure about the name of the basic data tab, bc I currently don’t have access to Apps 😎.

Edit: Found a screenshot in the community. Pls check user & pr user.:





Hi Sahango,


pls check if the user who should have access to the data migration job is already listed in the Data Migration Basic Data - Authorized User / Pr user and the mentiond migration job is added to the objects of the user.

(not 100% sure about the name of the basic data tab, bc I currently don’t have access to Apps 😎.

Edit: Found a screenshot in the community. Pls check user & pr user.:





Thank you, the problem has been solved.
