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I’ve used Excel Data Migration Tool before. But now I got this problem that when I try Validate or Execute, Excel-Add-In reads everything to the first column. I have a simple example with 2 columns A and B. But Excel-Add-In reads both column A and B to the first column. So the value for column A is getting to long and the value for column B is left empty.

Is there some configuration for this. Thankful for ideas.




Hi @evrpatrin 

Which Migration Job are you using and how many columns is the job expecting?

First I tried with a job for Inventory Location. But when I got this error I created a new job for basic data for Eng_Part_Main_Group. The job have 2 columns. 

A - Part Main Group

B - Description

And when i add values to column A and B and try Validate or Execute both column A and B is added to Part_Main_Group and Description is getting NULL.

@evrpatrin I have just created an Excel Migration Job for Sales Region and all has worked.


The Migration Job:



On validating in Excel Migration the Result column displayed Validate OK



Next clicked Execute and the Excel Migration displayed ‘Inserted’


And on refreshing the Sales Regions page:



I hope this helps.


If you are still having issues please let me know.



@evrpatrin To help I have just created one for Eng Part Main Group


Created Migration Job




Step 2 - Excel Migration Tool


Connect and open the migration job EXCEL_ENG_PART_MAINGRP



Enter data completing the first 2 columns in this case:



Click Validate and select required option.  I clicked in the data field and selected Selected rows only:



Validate OK was returned in the Result column:



As everything was OK clicked Execute and chose Selected rows only:



The Result column displayed ‘Inserted’:



On checking the Part Main Group and refreshing the row added was displayed:


Let me know how you get on.


