
Custom Tab based on Custom LU in Customer Order

  • 23 October 2023
  • 1 reply

Badge +3

In Apps 9 we had a Custom Tab (Provision - LU (CCustOrdCommReceiver)) in the Customer Order, in that we manually insert Values.

Over this Data we run a Commission Note to identify the commission per Commission Receiver.


This Custom LU got uplifted to the Cloud but was not implemented on the Page.

I created the needed Projection Configuration:

I created the needed List “Provision” under “All Elements”

And implemented the List on the Page:

But every time I open the new Tab I receive the following Error:

I also tried to only add the Order no without the other Custom Fields but I received the same Error:


IFS Web Version:
Date: 2023-10-23T06:40:24.679Z

CustomerOrder/Form (server error)
An internal server error occurred. Contact administrator.
Error details: [{"code":"EXPRESSION_PROPERTY_NOT_IN_TYPE","message":"The property 'CCustOrdCommReceiver_C_Comm_Receiver_Ref', used in a query expression, is not defined in type 'CustomerOrder'."}]

Request Id: 1a9b7995-fdd2-44e6-b868-70b9eb15c069

Url: XXXXX/main/ifsapplications/projection/v1/CustomerOrderHandling.svc/CustomerOrderSet?$select=Cf_C_Comm_Receiver_Name,Cf_C_Order_No,Cf_C_Comm_Receiver,Objgrants,luname,keyref&$expand=CCustOrdCommReceiver_C_Comm_Receiver_Ref($select=Cf_DisplayText,luname,keyref)&$skip=0&$top=25

1 reply

Userlevel 2
Badge +5


This is related to configuration rather than data migration, which is separate set of tools. Better post it on configuration section
