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I’m trying to migrate some European addresses which include accents, cedillas and other special characters, for example Île-de-France,  Lérida and straße.

I’m using a standalone migration job reading a CSV file (not the Excel add-in).  The characters are displayed correctly in the cs file when viewed in Excel.

I’ve tried using the WE8ISO8859P1 character set which I’ve previously used successfully for the degree symbol for temperatures, but the addresses don’t display correctly - Ãle-de-France.

Is there a character set which will handle all the main European special characters?

Many thanks,


I’ve just found 

 which says I should use AL32UTF8, and this has worked.

Hi @MMcK 

when loading OnClient then please use UTF8. That means your csv-file must be saved as UTF8 file.

When using OnServer then you can choose the same character set in your migration job as your csv file is stored. But for OnServer you need access to a folder on the database server.

