Is there a way to change the status of a record created using a migration job? When creating a record it is always created in ‘Preliminary’ Status
ex- Create a Customer Order with status ‘Released’ or Create PM Action with status ‘Active’ using a migration job
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just to give you a small impression what is possible regarding your question.
If the source name is an IC-table (which was created by a CREATE_TABLE_FROM_FILE) then you can use the following method name (Execute seq 10 is the interesting one):
If the source name is CUSTOMER_ORDER then you can also use this method name customer_order_api.set released or you can also use another method which is called customer_order_api.set released__
Here you have to map in the tab Source Mapping the columns ...OBJID__, ….OBJVERSION_ and …ACTION_ with the yellow-marked values:
You have to go through the whole process (the same steps you would do in the client, step-by-step).