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While creating Customer order we need to select Pre-posting window and  provide site details in it.

I want to know What is pre-posting in IFS why it is used.




Hi Deepak ,

In IFS Pre - Posting is using mainly for the reporting purposed and data analysis purposes.

For an instance as you have mentioned if we have enabled pre - posting  in CO line or header level , it is possible to add site details in the customer order line level.

Once done for an example it is possible to run reports to retrieve data about number of sales which was done on that particular site. 

Many Thanks,


I think there is a lot more usefulness to pre-posting than running reports.  Its main purpose is to create the financial connection from an object (Customer Order, Purchase Order, Shop Order, Requisition, etc) to the ledger.  This is done by creating or adjusting posting controls so they react to the pre-posting assigned to the object.  This could be in the form of setting a code part value on the customer order by business or region.  Or in the case of a purchase could connect the purchase through a project to a cost center.  There are a large number of financial and business separation reasons to use pre-posting, but it does require an overall business design that is connected to the code parts and the operation of posting controls to provide the output for the financial reporting the business requires.  Search the help for pre-posting and there are many specific topics and activity diagrams that detail the use for particular objects.

@ShawnBerk  well said!