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Hello All,

We calculated the total lead time of a purchased part in the Calculate Purchase Leadtime dialog box however it gave the following warning” The purchasing lead time of 4291 parts have been changed to zero.” Why did it change the lead time to zero and how could I undo it? 

Hi @akin I don't believe you can revert unless you have the same data within one of your other environments to reference.

Do you have any Supplier Manufacturing Lead Time setup again your default supplier?

Thank you for the quick response. Supplier Manufacturing lead times for all parts appear to be 0. We never used this place. We used the Purchasing Lead Time field located directly in inventory-acquisition.

@akin this is why the leadtimes were adjusted to zero I’m afraid. The calculation for the purchase lead time is,

Purchase Lead Time

The total lead time of a purchase part is the time from when the part is ordered until it is available in inventory, i.e., the primary supplier's manufacturing and external transport lead times plus the internal transport lead time and the internal inspection lead time. You can calculate the total lead time of a purchased part in the Calculate Purchase Leadtime dialog box. The result of the calculation is presented in the Acquisition tab of the Inventory Part window when using the Update option.

If these items are zero then the result is zero. 
