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Just looking to find some information on Credit receipts.
I.e Once and invoice linked to a PO has been paid, and then returned a credit receipt is then created which can then be matched to a Cr note etc.

Is there a way to search for credit receipts aside  either creating a manual supplier invoice selecting --> (Match  PO receipts) and viewing from within the invoice itself or from using the (RBNI) received but not invoiced reports?

I was hoping there was something similar to the (receipts) module however this seems to only show Dr receipts.


Thanks in advance

The unmatched return for credit should be reflected in the Received Not Yet Invoiced
Report. If I receive parts on a PO and have not yet invoiced, they will show on
the report.  Then if I return half the quantity received for credit or rework without having invoiced
the original receipt, the line on Received Not Yet Invoiced Report reflects quantity received minus the
quantity returned (invoiceable quantity).

However as per my understanding there is no window or report to see any credit receipt line originated from POs.

My suggestion would be to create a quick report.