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Is it possible to skip requisition and create PO, when Customer order line with supply code is ‘Purch Order Trans’ and Customer order is released.

Hi @Manjunath Gowda ,

It is not possible to skip Purchase Requisition if the supply code of the customer order is :   ‘Purch Order Trans’. Purpose of having this supply code is to purchase that part through an external supplier. Thus the application has provided opportunity to either purchase it from a finalized supplier or to go through the supplier quotation process. Because of that it is mandatory to go through a PR when you are creating a PO.

Thank you,


Thanks for the reply, I was expecting if we can create PO to Primay supplier directly. Something similar to ‘Order processing Type’

Your not able to bypass the Purchase Requisition Stage but you can automate the creation of the PO as long as there aren’t any Authorisation Rules in place to stop the PR proceeding. 
