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I tried to update our Purchase Order lay-out with Report Designer, but the results are disappointing.

I want to show the edited description of the charge on the PO lay-out.

These are the charges I want to show: 

Two charges of the same Charge Type

I have put the fields on the lay-out in Report Designer

This is the result

‘Transport To Location’ is not on the correct line.

How can I resolve this issue?

hi @bnzKarin 

In this report there are multiple rows in the report definition that represent the same PO line.  They are often hidden with conditions.

The technique i relied on was to set a different background colour on each row, then run the report, to be confident which row needed to be edited.


Hi @paul harland,


Thanks for your response.

I tried your technique, I even set different colours to each field to see the results in the report.

I see that the same line is used for all the fields. Do you have more suggestions? 


Hi @bnzKarin 

That seems to suggest that your data is not structured as you would hope.  It looks like the Custom field value is not associated with the actual charge line, but is existing as its own line.

The next thing i would try is to export a sample of the data XML file from Report Archive and review that to see where the custom field value is sitting.