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Purchase requisition authorization routing

  • 13 October 2023
  • 1 reply


We have a requirement where we need to have authorization steps that are not dependent on each other in PR authorization routing. would really appreciate if any experience on this can be shared.

The business requirement is that there are cases where certain authorizers can authorize without waiting for another but the sequential authorization routing blocks this.

If we can make one of the below examples work in IFS that would help


Example 1 : Suppose there are 5 authorization steps. Step 2 and 3 are not dependent on each other. So the the requirement is that both are completed in any order before proceeding to step 4

Step 1 : Needs to be authorized before proceeding to step 2

Step 2 : Needs to be authorized before proceeding to step 4

Step 3 : Needs to be authorized before proceeding to step 4

Step 4 : Needs to be authorized before proceeding to step 5

Step 5 : Final step


Example 2 : Suppose there are 4 steps and step 2 is connected to an authorization group with 2 authorizers.

Step 1 : Needs to be authorized before proceeding to step 2

Step 2 : Needs to be authorized by all authorizers in the authorization group before proceeding to

              step 3 .      (Authorizers in the group are Auth1 & Auth2 and they can authorize independent of                                       each other)

Step 3 : Needs to be authorized before proceeding to step 4 but only by one of the authorizers in the group

Step 4 : Final step




1 reply

Userlevel 1
Badge +3

Hi Chaminda,


Unsure if you received any response on this matter so far. But thought of sharing what I know.

In IFS Purchase Authorization, as far as I know, if you have mandatory authorization (ex: in your Example 2 where you need authorization by all authorizers specified in Step 2) then they have to be set up as individual steps and they will be executed sequentially.

If you have two steps where either one is required (ex: Step 2 and 3 in your Example 1), then they would need to be combined into one step where you can have an Authorizer group to indicate that authorization by one of the authorizers in the group is sufficient. 

This is the standard behaviour as far as I know, and it's recommended to make the Company Authority Matrix simpler in order to make use of the standard functionality. Otherwise, I believe you may have to go for a modification.
