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I have created a crystal report version of  the PURCHASE_ORDER_PRINT_REP for our purchase order print.  

However in the PURCHASE_ORDER view there is a field called NOTE_TEXT. We want to print this field but it isn’t available in the PURCHASE_ORDER_PRINT_REP view. Is there a way of adding this field to the crystal report? 

I initially created a link between PURCHASE_ORDER_PRINT_REP and PURCHASE_ORDER by creating a join between the ORDER_NO fields but the NOTE_TEXT comes back blank  when i run the report the through IFS. However when i run the report in crystal outside of IFS the i can see the NOTE_TEXT displaying the data. 


Yes, joining must work. Can't explain why it's not printing the field outside not inside IFS. Check the naming of the view needs to add ‘//’ or ‘/’ for the view. I believe you must have done that. Also, try Purchase order view as the first view then join with the REP.  Try using an IAL in the report after joining the views as well.

Thank for your response @Brijesh410  i am pretty new to IFS and I have never created or used IAL before could please direct me on how to go about this