We have a customer which orders an item with a specific label on it. This we have set up in the Product structure (purchase) as you can see in the attached picture. What we want to achieve is that when we create a purchase requisition and transform it to a purchase order the advise or even better that the purchase order for the label is automatically is created (purchase requisition is also ok). We work with Master Scheduling for our daily planning. Any suggestions on how to make this more efficient are more then welcome and will be highly appreciated.
Best regards,
Carlo Koenders
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@koenders I believe you could easily use MRP - planning method A or G, then once you have your Customer Order come in, MRP will run and create a Purchase Requisition for the component in the Purchase Product Structure.
The requisition would need to be released and converted to a PO by one of your buyers.
Thanks for your answer Marcel, however we buy this on contract for this customer and he call it off in monthly buckets. So initially there is no customer to base it on. It really needs to be dependent on the creation of the purchase order.
Hi Carlo,
Supply is defined in the ‘Supply Type’ field of the component, for which these options exist:
A direct PO or PR is not an option here. Excluding projects and DOP (most likely an overkill for this modest requirement) using inventory order as a supply is your only option. Planning the part with MRP method A and no safety stock or anything you will get a PR for the part the next day.
In case you would like to get a PR right away you may revert to some automation configuration, e.g. an event/action that runs the MRP for that part only after creation of a SO of a Material Line.
In case you want to PR to be converted to a PO right away you can setup an Order Processing type on the purchase part (or automate that one as well while you are at it).
Hope this helps,
Roel Veenman
Hello Roel,
thanks for your feedback, in the supply type shoporder is mentioned, not sure if that is coincidence as this is a PO… how come this is not an option: A direct PO or PR is not an option here? Seems like if the purchasing structure is defined IFS should see demand on the component so a PR could/should be generated...maybe indeed an event needs to be created. I will go in the test modus and play around
Hi Carlo, I missed reading it was a product structure type purchased. Out of curiosity, what is your Purchase Component method?
Intended design of Purchased Product Structures are assembly at supplier site, where you supply the supplier with components. Is this the case here as well? Is the supplier putting the label on?
If yes, then I concur with Marcel (and my own answer). The PO creation will generate demand, which MRP will cover the next run by creating a supply in form of a PO (for which you can save yourself the waiting by running MRP for that Part immediately after the demand creation.
Material Supply is a demand for MRP:
In case you ‘assemble’ (a big word for putting a label on a knife, but still), you could consider a superior level part (knife with label on it) and a Shop Order Product structure with the knife and the label. A lot of administrative overhead though for putting a label on, I see that.
Regards, Roel
Thanks for the feedback. The supplier is indeed putting the label on the knife. I will set up this and use MRP for testing.