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PO Authorization is triggered again for all POs when receiving which are already released, irrespective of the date of which the Auth rule is created.

How to set an effective date for PO Authorization rules (APP9)? This make users having to authorize old POs again when they receive them even though the Auth rule is intended to authorize future POs.
According to the Bug 94365, it is expected to have the rule re-fetch happening during the Purchase order process, even in confirmation and printing. Then, system should check the validity of the rule and if it’s still applicable to the purchase order.

However, register purchase order arrival should be treated different as this is a step performed when the goods have arrived from the supplier. The purpose of having the purchase order authorization rule fetch at receipt is to make sure orders are not received without any authorization at all. Please note that the intention is not to re-fetch rules for already authorized POs.

In your case, since the purchase order has not been authorized before, at register purchase order arrival system will check for an applicable rule. It’s irrelevant whether the rule has been released before or after purchase order creation.

Therefore, the reported issue is not a bug in the standard application. It is designed to perform purchase authorizations not only when receiving purchase orders but also when confirming. This is a feature in the complex Purchase Order Authorization functionality. If the purchase order is not authorized when released, then the system fetches a purchase order authorization rule which meets certain criteria and has the highest priority at the time of receipt. If there is not a single PO authorization rule active at that time then nothing will prevent the arrival.
