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I can look up a PO’s attachments on part order lines and they are listed in Attachments, but then I go over to no part order lines tab, and then back to part order lines, the attachments are gone.  Not sure why this is happening.  Strangely,  I can re-search the PO again and they come back into view in the Attachments pane.  Has anyone experienced this, and if so, what appeared to be the issue?  This just recently started happening and is affecting all buyers.

Focus matters.

Where are the attachments attached?  To the Header or to the Line?  Most of the time, I would expect them to be on the header.

When you change your focus between tabs, you are also changing the connection point to the object either the header or line which are different as far as DocMan is concerned.  

Verify you are consistent about where your cursor (focus) is located and you won’t notice them disappearing.  They are there, just depends where you last clicked and where they were originally attached.

Fantastic, thank you Shawn!  I’m not a procurement pro (filling in for someone’s absence) and this makes total sense to me.  I was able to explain and show the end user with all understanding.

Thanks!! - Barb