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We have been using external supplier invoice over 6 months, it has been working well all along. but today, we got the error message belowwhen SFTP XML file and run the BIZAPI loading external supplier invoice. 

“ORA-20110: ReceiveEinvoiceUtil.Cannot find the company that should receive the invoice from either association no , own address id , tax id number GSTXXXX...0001, buyer id at seller  or seller id at buyer.”


May I know what the problem it is?

Check your templates against the file received.  It seems that IFS doesn’t know what company to process the invoice against meaning that it can’t determine the supplier or other information.  The error pretty well describes the issue, it mentions all of the things that might be at issue.

Something is wrong or different with this invoice:

  • New supplier never processed
  • New format of invoice that is different than previous
  • Scan is illegible
  • Supplier information has changed and doesn’t match supplier record

Lots of reasons it could fail with this error.

@ShawnBerk Thank you for your input. 


We are using ABBYY.  ABBYY scan the supplier invoice and send XML file to IFS. there could be scanning illegible. 

What this error means is that there is no enough information on the incoming invoice to make a unique match with supplier data in IFS.

There is a search process, where it will extract data like VAT reg No, our id at supplier etc. and try to match it off with what it finds in the supplier data.

I believe it looks at:

      -- association_no
      -- company
      -- vat_no
      -- bank_account
      -- seller_id_at_buyer
      -- po_no
      -- site
      -- seller_own_addr_id


If it gets more than one hit (or none) you see this error. E.g. if the same VAT reg. number is used on multiple supplier records.


I think system cannot find the company where the External Supplier Invoice must be created.

This is the criteria followed to find the company based on the data existing in the xml file:

When receiving a supplier invoice we will find the Customer Company with the following rule:

1. The field BuyerPartyIdentifier should be matched to the Association Number of the company.

2. If more than one match or no match, DeliveryOrganisationTaxCode should be matched to the Tax Identity Number of the company.

3. If more than one match or no match, BuyerIdAtSeller should be matched to Our ID at Supplier, column Our ID in the Supplier window - tab General.

4. If more than one match or no match, BuyerIdAtSeller should be matched to the actual Company ID.

5. If more than one match or no match, check if SellerIdAtBuyer contains a value. If it does, use that value as the actual supplier id and check if this supplier id exists for only one company. If that is true, use that company.


