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We are notice that when looking in Inventory Part Availability Planning that if we have a purchase order coming in the same day we go negative with demand there is no place that we see it showing up easily. I was hoping to find it in the Inventory Part Availability Exceptions but since the projected amount no longer shows negative it does not show up under the MRP message of Negative On Hand. When using MRP Workbench and the MRP Message of Late Order it does show when there is a PO coming in and has dropped below the safety stock level and when we go negative on the same day a PO is coming in. Not necessarily and easy screen to look at when you are having to look at each part and then decipher if it is just late or if we have gone negative. 

I have yet to come across a different MRP Message or screen that we can easily see when we go negative on a part the same day it is being delivered. 


We are currently in IFS 9. 



I hope you can user MRP part information window / Gross requirements tab.


Best Regards,





Sorry for my late comment about this. I just wanted to describe the column Negative On Hand Date which exists in MRP Action Proposals Workbench and MRP Action Proposals overview screen. This column only has values if the MRP Message is Late Order. The idea with this column is to highlight if the Late Order Message is “related” to a day where the projected onhand goes negative. If “blank” then the Late Order Message is not that critical because we have a safety stock that covers.

In the MRP Message filter you can use this to create a filter query. Look at the checkbox Negative On Hand Date Exist. The help text says: 
“The date on which the negative projected on hand exception is raised for the first time. This is valid only for the Late Order message.”

So you could for example create a filter for your site and MRP Message Late Order and then select the checkbox I mentioned and then start using this in the MRP Action Proposals Workbench. I mean these Late Order messages have higher priority to resolve.

Good Luck with your material planning - future glory ahead :-)
