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In a current setup, a Customer Order in site A will generate a Distribution Order to get the goods in site B. Always, Site A will always get these goods from site B.

I would like that this process happens instantly, automatically, in a 1 on 1 relation. So each CO that is placed, must generate a DO to get this amount.


Example: Customer places a order for 10 pcs at site A. a distribution order is created instantly to get these goods from site B.

Seconds later, another customer places an order for 5 pcs at site A. Another DO is created, now to get 5 pcs.


How can I set this up? I don’t want to wait on the scheduled MRP. I don’t think there is a planning method which takes each order individually?

Thank you!

The DO’s are essentially objects that coordinate a customer order/purchase order pair. Have you considered using the Supply Code for Internal Purchase Transit on the customer order line? This can also be automated with the sourcing options on the sales part. I believe this would create the desired effect.

The DO’s are essentially objects that coordinate a customer order/purchase order pair. Have you considered using the Supply Code for Internal Purchase Transit on the customer order line? This can also be automated with the sourcing options on the sales part. I believe this would create the desired effect.

Thank you Kenneth! Would you know if its possible that the supplying site sends an invoice to the receiving site?

As far as I know, if the sites are in different companies, the customer order process will end with an invoice. If they are in the same company there will be no invoice. 

Is there any way to have an invoice? In fact, there are 2 sites within the same company, but I want them to behave as different companies. Can IFS do that?




