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From IFS Cloud, on my second migration job (Migrate Source Data), this error happened :

ORA-20124: WorkCenter.FND_ITEM_FORMAT: The value "InfiniteCapacity" has incorrect format for [SCHED_CAPACITY] in Work Center.


API recommendation is respected when using InfiniteCapcity, so, what’s wrong ?


Thanks for help


PS : trying with uppercase et underscore between two words, same error

The English client value for that IID is: “Infinite capacity”.

Easy to check like this:


Thanks for answering so quickly. I was using the value defined in the Api documentention. Is there an easy way to determine the good value ? Separate words with a space car ?

API documentation shows how you shall call the Rest API’s, which is not what the data migration tool is using. So to check the values you need to check how the data looks like in the view, like in my picture.

As you say the client values are often similar to what you see in the API documentation with spaces so you could do trial and error to find it, if there are no bigger differences.

Once again Thomas, thank you very much for your help.
