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How to delete newly created Purchase requisition.

  • 24 August 2020
  • 8 replies

Hello Community,

We are using IFS version 8.How can I delete newly created Purchase requisition.

I am able to cancel the lines from it but unable to delete the purchase requisition.

Please help…!!!


Deepak Navale

Hi @Deepak ,

Did you try deleting all the lines and then the header? It should work in this manner. Also, the status should be in “Planned” to be able to delete a Purchase Requisition.

Let me know if the scenario contradicts from my assumption.



Dear @Preetish,

I have cancelled the Purchase requisition line and then tried to delete the Header.It show below message.



Deepak Navale

Hi @Deepak ,

As said, you can delete the lines and then the header.

There are 2 functions, either you can cancel it or delete it.

You can’t cancel the lines and delete the header.

For future, if you ever want to delete a Released PR, only if you have the option to “Change it to Planned”, use this functionality to convert it to planned then delete the lines, save it and then delete the header and save it.

Hope this helps!


Preetish Gautam Dehury


Hi @Preetish,

Thanks for your inputs…!!!

I am getting below error message while deleting the purchase requisition line.




hi @deepak,

is there a right-click: Purchase Req Line History option?

{In apps 10 there is no Purchase Req history, but from your screenshot it looks like there was in Apps 8}


Dear @paul harland,

On right click I don’t found Purchase Requisition history option but in navigator I have found Purchase requisition history tab where purchase requisition entry date ,no and user id details get captured.




It is not appropriate to make a purchase request.In particular, the purchase request and order history of IFS is kept.With an update to the history table via PLSQL, you can write for the query and delete it manually.However, even if the cancellation of the records is canceled, it is the method that IFS deems appropriate to stop its history.


select * from purch_req_line_hits_tab   where   req_no =  ... for update …….
