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Hi all,

My client is currently using IFS Apps 9 (Global Extension ) Country Solution-INDIA.

When i am adding a line and selecting the sales part details in the Return Material Authorization window and when i save it i get an error "The Field Price/Base incl Tax Dmy must have a value".

I am not sure why i am getting this error. 

Has anybody faced this error in this version of the application?

Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance

Any mandatory object attributes set?


RMB → Properties → Mandatory tab

Could you confirm the error message again please?

“The Field Price/Base incl Tax Dmy must have a value”  ?

@CallumW thanks but i have checked it. It doesn't  have any mandatory fields as such and @ShadowWizard yes that's the error. Even i couldn't gather what Dmy means. 

@Preetish Could you attach a print screen of Company > Localization Control Center ?

@ShadowWizard  Is there anything that could have resulted into that error?


I’m afraid, this localization is being used by other customers with no such error with similar configurations. It does not look like we can come to a conclusion without doing a proper investigation. Would it be possible for you to report this to your IFS Support Organization/Partner to find the root cause? 

@ShadowWizard  thanks..will do..if i get the root cause will share here.. 

Hi @Preetish , did you solve this problem?

I’m trying to solve the same error but I can’t find where is the problem…


Good morning,


I don’t know if this is still an issue or if this is of any help, but this error reminds me of a message we once recieved aswell.

At the time, the problem was that the sales part didn’t have the sales part base price created in the menu of the image.


Kind regards,
Carlos Mendes​​​​​​​
