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In the standard Event ID PURCHASE_ORDER_CHANGED with the event action get an Error. In the API Pur_Ord_Notification_API is the function Refresh_Markdowns not included.

IFS Apps 10 Update 8



Event Details:


Event Action:



It is create all the time a Error in the Background Jobs.

Is there any bug-fix?

Best Regards

Hi @andjor,


So it appears there is a solution ID (included in UPD9) and a workaround for this in place, as posted by @ToBeNL in the thread at:


This Background job is triggered by the Event ID ‘PURCHASE_ORDER_CHANGED’ which is a NotifyMe app related event. 

This reported issues is a known issue and already reported to RnD with solution Id 283137.Issue will be corrected and delivered in UPD 9 which is planned on end of August.RnD has provided a workaround for this. Please try the below workaround and send us your feedback. 


The issue can be solved by changing the Event Action call to: 


Transaction_SYS.Deferred_Call('Pur_Ord_Notification_API.Update_Notifications', 'Purchase_Order_API.Get_By_Rowkey(''&NEW:ROWKEY'').order_no', 'Notify Me - Update Purchase Order notifications.');



Hope this helps,

