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I'm not able to enter a discount % in the discount field in purchase requisition line .. also in the taxable check box I cant tick or untick the box . can someone help me please 


I assume you are talking about part order lines (as for no part order lines it is possible to set the taxable flag in PR line).

You can set the taxable flag applicable for the purchase at the purchase part. Do you want to make the part not taxable in a line (or vice versa) while its generally taxable?


As you are trying to enter a part that already has a supplier part relationship,  you are not allowed to use the discount field to manually change the discount.

but you can use the  Update Price Manually RMB to set the discount.






@AsankaGaru thank you for your prompt answer. 

Yes I'm trying to make the part not taxable in a line while its generally taxable. how can I do that?