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For a few of our suppliers we need to add a document text on the Purchase Order. This information needs to be added every time. That is why we want it automatically shown on the Purchase Order when one of the few suppliers is selected.

We have set a document text on the supplier, but don't know how to implement that field on the Purchase Order lay-out in Report Designer.

We used this functionality

In Report Designer I think this is the the field we need: 

But I cannot drag that field on the lay-out. I only get the invalid cursor as shown below.

Has anyone dealt with this kind of problem before?

Hi Banzo,


You need to set this up in “Document Text Administration”


Create a Output Type connecting the correct document (in this case, it is Purchase Order / document number 6; can be selected from LOV)




In the Phrases tab, create a phrase with the text you want to be printed on the purchase order (with desired languages)



Connect the document with the phrase ID in Document Phrases tab.




Then, you can connect this to the supplier using Document Text.



This will be printed in any purchase order for the particular supplier.






Hi @ThushAsanka,


Thank you for your detailed response.

I have tried to set this up, but we already have document phrases on our Purchase Orders, which works perfectly. Only in this case we want a particular text on the purchase order only for 5 of the 100 suppliers.

Now I get the new text on all Purchase Orders or, if I deleted my settings on none. And this particular text needs to be on all the purchase orders for that 5 suppliers.


Do you have more suggestions?

Hi @ThushAsanka,


Thank you for your detailed response.

I have tried to set this up, but we already have document phrases on our Purchase Orders, which works perfectly. Only in this case we want a particular text on the purchase order only for 5 of the 100 suppliers.

Now I get the new text on all Purchase Orders or, if I deleted my settings on none. And this particular text needs to be on all the purchase orders for that 5 suppliers.


Do you have more suggestions?

Hi @bnzKarin ,


Then, you have to leave the Document Phrases tan undefined for the Purchase Order document. Then, if the document texts are configured in Supplier records themselves, only the purchase orders of those suppliers get printed with the document text.


For instance, in my previous example, the following should be deleted.



I have tested above and works well for me.






Hi @ThushAsanka,


While you tested it, did you also have another document phrase on your Purchase Order, which applies to all Purchase Orders?

Because when I tested your suggestion I either get the second phrase on all or on none of the purchase orders.



Hi @ThushAsanka,


While you tested it, did you also have another document phrase on your Purchase Order, which applies to all Purchase Orders?

Because when I tested your suggestion I either get the second phrase on all or on none of the purchase orders.



Hi @bnzKarin ,


If there is any valid (valid from/to dates) records for the document 6 (Purchase Order) within the Document Phrases tab, Phrase IDs connected to them, will be printed in all purchase orders. If there is no any valid records, only the document texts connected to any object levels (Supplier, Part...) will be printed in respective purchase orders.



If you are not getting any document text on any purchase orders when there is no records as above, can you make sure you have defined document text correctly on the supplier records.



