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We have a customer schedule that has the call off’s coming into the Inventory Part Availability Planning screen, however we have plan schedules for the same customer that are coming through for part Y but not part X. Part Y and X are on the same customer agreement and all settings that I can see are identical. I have tried in our test system setting up new customer agreement and new schedules but I am getting the same results, therefore I am thinking it is a setting else where in the system but I am unsure where to look, any advise would be very appreciated. 

Thanks in advance for any answers

Are you importing any of the plans into master scheduling?

Hello - we currently do not use master scheduling. IFS support have solved this, it was due to a superceded Call-Off schedule with a date well into the future over ruling any plan demands for the part in question. 

Hello - we currently do not use master scheduling. IFS support have solved this, it was due to a superceded Call-Off schedule with a date well into the future over ruling any plan demands for the part in question. 

Hi, sholmes - Thank you for this info.  This may be the issue we’re having with a test right now.  We have a call-off schedule and a plan schedule on the same part with the same dates validity dates.  Both released.  We can’t delete/cancel or change the dates on the call-off schedule.  Do you have any tips on how to omit or supersede the call-off schedule?
