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We are using IFS APPS9 and have a question about creation of a Supplier Shipment.


We have a Customer Order that didn’t actually deliver the customer order lines. Still working on why 0 were delivered.

Linked Purchase Order, though Supply Code: Purchase order Direct was received:



Part 96000 needs to be returned to the supplier, however, when we try to create a supplier shipment, through Register Inspection Results, we get the error:  Location 555 does not exist.


We received the parts into 555. We have a part in 555.


Can someone help us understand why we are not able to create the Supplier Shipment. 


I see in your screenshot when registering inspection results, that it’s connected to a project activity, but record in stock doesn’t have Activity sequence.

You can try to  check that. System is probably checking that all the key values when receipt was done in stock are the same than actual ones for return.


