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Hi experts out there,

hope that everybody is fine, healthy and stay at home? :-)

Again we are developing a BI solution for a german customer.
These weeks we’ve done a POC (proof of concept) with Purchase Data.
No problem to create a FACT_Purchase_Order_Lines(POLs) conected to the 3 different (aggregated) RECEIPT tables. We build the STAR Schema and now we see all the POLs with detailled information from Supplier and Purchasepart.

Now we want to see - say PO 1000, Pos 1, Part A, orderd for QTY 100, Amount 1000€ -
what kind of Supplierinvoices are there on the “incoming” side.

It is no problem to create a standalone FACT_Purchase_Invoice_Lines based on INVOICE_TAB (PARTY_TYPE = ‘SUPPLIER’) and INVOICE_ITEM_TAB.

In the manual supllier invoice are some interesting fields, we checked out in the INVOICE_ITEM_TAB

PO_REF_NUMBER    Alias PO Ref:

and see the purchase order number in PO Ref.

What we miss:
The 1:1 granularity from PurchaseInvoiceLine (PIL) to POL.
The testdata on customer site do not have one INVOICE_ITEM_TAB record with a PO_LINE_NUMBER.

So, do you think there is a change to see:

POL Info  + SupplierInvoiceInfo say invoicedqty and invoidedamount in one line?

All the best to you all.




I'm not an expert in Financials but I think this has to do with the PO Matching Level.

If you do the matching at PO Header level then you will only find the PO No referenced in the table, and not the Line No.