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physical count is zero for the specific part, but it cannot be counted out from the system. mentioned error is appearing. appreciate if someone can teach me how to change allocations for a location. 

@Thuzzith SM this error message suggests that you have reservations for this part no in location 01A. You would need to remove/cancel the reservation (customer order line / shop order material / transport task). You may go to Inventory Part In Stock Reservation screen and cancel the reserved qty.


Below is the piece of code that throws the error:

IF NVL(Inventory_Part_In_Stock_API.Get_Qty_Reserved(contract_ => newrec_.contract,                                                           
part_no_ => newrec_.part_no,
configuration_id_ => newrec_.configuration_id,
location_no_ => newrec_.location_no,
lot_batch_no_ => newrec_.lot_batch_no,
serial_no_ => newrec_.serial_no,
eng_chg_level_ => newrec_.eng_chg_level,
waiv_dev_rej_no_ => newrec_.waiv_dev_rej_no,
activity_seq_ => newrec_.activity_seq,
handling_unit_id_ => newrec_.handling_unit_id),0) > newrec_.qty_count1 THEN

Error_SYS.Record_General('CountingReportLine', '753: Counted on-hand quantity :P1 for part :P2 is less than the allocations at location :P3.', newrec_.qty_count1, newrec_.part_no, newrec_.location_no);


