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Occasionally we get background job errors with the following error message:

“The quantity issued may not be greater than the required quantity.



I understand that this happens because the line in the script is pointing to the wrong field and actually tries to issue rec_.plan_line_no.  

What I’m having trouble understanding is why it doesn’t happen every time.


I just duplicated 4 material work order lines.  All 4 lines were inventory items.  2 of the 4 had a quantity of 1 ea on hand and the other two items had 0 on hand.  

I created a purchase requisition for all 4 lines and then rolled the requisition into purchase orders.

I approved and released the purchase orders and then did the ‘register arrival’ to receive the quantities. Based on the error mentioned above, I expected only 1 of the 4 lines to auto issue because the quantity required was higher than the Material Line Item No.  

Qty required 125, line number was 123.

However the auto issue of the 125 qty and  the 1st line, of the background jobs errored with the error message :

The quantity issued may not be greater than the required quantity.                    ORA-20110: MaintMaterialReqLine.ISSUEDMORETHANPLANED


Both of these lines are the ones that had a qty of 1 on hand already.  The two lines that had 0 on hand did auto issue.  


Can someone please help me figure out why?


Given the highly Data-dependent nature of this issue, I suggest that you log this as a Support Case. Then, one of the IFS Support Personal will investigate this and advise you on how to resolve the immediate error, prevent it in the future, etc…