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I am working on configuring an ETM channel to bulk create some event builders, and am not able to find documentation on acceptable values for eventBuilderType, eventType and usage (Event Builder Type, Event Type, Usage in ETM). ETM seems to want integer values for these fields, but the database values are letters.

Are these documented anywhere?




Hi Duncan 

We’ve had the same issues as you, here are the values we identified:

Event Builder Type:

1 - Generic Class Level

2 - Product Class

3 - Product Level

4 - Item Level


Event Type:

1 - Incident

2 - Problem

3 - Incident and Problem

4 - Change

5 - Service Request

9 - Change and Service Request

10 - Order

0 - No Value (default) 



0 - Assignment Only

1 - Logging Only

2 - Assignment and Logging


Start Process:

0 - False

1 - True

2 - Use Default (blank)


Hope these help. 


In assyst 11.7 and later their are enumeration fields which take string values- eventBuilderTypeEnum, eventTypeEnum etc. 

these are in addition to the existing numeric fields

These fields can be identified by getting the REST schema e.g. http://{{assystrest}}/eventBuilders/schema & searching for eventBuilderDefinitionDto.


In there you’ll see entries like

 <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eventBuilderTypeEnum" type="eventBuilderProductTypesEnum"/>


The permitted values for the eventBuilderTypeEnum field can be found by searching for eventBuilderProductTypesEnum, which will let you find:

    <xs:simpleType name="eventBuilderProductTypesEnum">
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
            <xs:enumeration value="GENERIC_CLASS"/>
            <xs:enumeration value="PRODUCT_CLASS"/>
            <xs:enumeration value="PRODUCT"/>
            <xs:enumeration value="ITEM"/>
            <xs:enumeration value="EVERYTHING"/>


GENERIC_CLASS etc. are the values you can use in your mapper. ETM 1.8 will display these values to you, so you don’t have to go searching in the XML schema for them.
