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We are starting to look at using work manager in assyst and wondered if anyone had any pointers or  gotchas that I should watch out for.  

Got it setup and noticed a few things that would make it better, added these or upvoted in ideas

  1. multiple managers per svd for different areas/types of events - so they can have different lanes and easier to manage
  2. more filters, especially on item

anything else anyone has noticed or come up with different ways to manage/use these.

One thing that tripped us up. If you run a DMW import for Svds it classes as overwriting that departments WorkManager even if you dont make a change to it. This caused them to lose any customisations they had made and revert to the templated config.

If this is something you find yourselves doing then make sure your templates are kept up to date or that you communicate the change beforehand so they can record their setup.
