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Our organization is upgrading from assyst 11.2.3 to assyst 11.7.2. In our current version, optional fields in the service catalog have an (Optional) tag below the field’s name. However, it looks like that tag has disappeared in 11.7.2.

Is there a way for that tag to be shown in 11.7.2 automatically? Going through every field of every form to give them a new prefix or suffix is very inconvenient. For reference:


In 11.2.3: 

In 11.7.2:


We started using assyst in 11.3 era so apologies if this is not something you have access to.


We do this within the ‘Styling’ feature by adding the following CSS rule.

/* Make non-mandatory field green */
.axios-control-label label:not(.axios-mandatory-field):after{
color:green !important;
content: " (optional)";
Main Menu - assystWeb - Styling (Highlighted)


We started using assyst in 11.3 era so apologies if this is not something you have access to.


We do this within the ‘Styling’ feature by adding the following CSS rule.

/* Make non-mandatory field green */
.axios-control-label label:not(.axios-mandatory-field):after{
color:green !important;
content: " (optional)";
Main Menu - assystWeb - Styling (Highlighted)


I was hoping for a feature implemented by IFS, similar to a toggle, but this is a nice workaround in the meantime! We do have access to Styling, so thank you!

Hello @jdavidyoung07 ,

I found that the optional tag was removed due to prior customer's feedback. I recommend creating an enhancement request to have this option added back in.

You can log your suggestion in the ideas area below and this will allow the customer community to see the suggestion and comment/vote on it.

Before saving your idea, enter "assyst" in both the Product Area and Tags fields, to ensure that your idea is registered under the IFS assyst category.
