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Lookup File Expression on Job Titles

  • 23 July 2024
  • 2 replies

We want to apply Lookup Filter Expression on Job Title Field based on CSG.


Something like below:

select UserRole.Id from usr_role as UserRole where UserRole.csg.shortCode=’XYZ’;


But this expression is failing. Please help in fixing this.

Hi @Manish Verma ,


Try this:

from usr_role as UserRole where UserRole.csg_sc = 'XYZ’;


Also, if you have CSGs Activated on Job Title, your users should only be able to see the Job Titles that have a CSG that they are restricted to via their assyst user or User Alias form.

Thanks @momboc 

Replacing UserRole.csg.shortCode with UserRole.csg_sc fixed the issue.
