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How to fetch details of Contact User Query Profiles?

  • 26 July 2024
  • 3 replies

We have a requirement to fetch what all Cost Centers are linked to Contact User Query Profiles.

Don’t see any DMW or DB table that gives such relation.

3 replies

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You dont have commented your assyst version, but I think this query below (tested on assystdb 11.8) will work for you.

img1 - assyst config


img2 - Query Results

img3 - SQL Query

SELECT uqp.usr_qry_prof_sc "CONT_USER_QRY_PRF_SC"
    ,uqp.usr_qry_prof_n "CONT_USER_QRY_PRF_N"
    ,cc.cost_centre_sc "COST_CENTRE_SC"
    ,cc.cost_centre_n "COST_CENTRE_N"
FROM usr_qry_prof uqp
INNER JOIN usr_qry_crit uqc ON uqc.usr_qry_prof_id = uqp.usr_qry_prof_id
INNER JOIN usr_qry_crit_val uqcv ON uqcv.usr_qry_crit_id = uqc.usr_qry_crit_id
INNER JOIN cost_centre cc ON cc.cost_centre_id = start_int
WHERE uqc.usr_qry_crit_n = 'costCentreId'

Userlevel 2
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Thank you so much @McrPauloV. This SQL query gives me the exact data that I was looking for.

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