
How can contact users be tagged on events so they can watch the progress of work?

  • 20 July 2023
  • 2 replies

Badge +6

How can contact users be tagged on events so they can watch the progress of work.

This would be on events that they did not directly submit/create nor would they be assigned the event directly or in a service department they were members of. 

I saw a previous post from Robert Wood that seemed to indicate this functionality was going to be available in assyst 11.6; however, were currently at version 11.6.1  and I don’t see any functionality on our end user portal or even within assyst web?  I’m not finding any way to follow or tag or add to watchlist?




Best answer by Brian Turner 20 July 2023, 17:44

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2 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +3

When selecting Offerings from the Self Service catalogue, it is possible to add ‘followers’.  This concept will allow the logging user to add additional user who will have visibility of the logged event.  Further information is available below:


Badge +6

Thanks Brian for the quick response, this is helpful.

I’ve been able to get this working in our test system.

A few observations and questions though:

(1). We noticed that this functionality is only enabled for events created via our end user portal (Service Catalog). So, Service Requests and even Incidents that were submitted via a catalog item. Please validate that is true?  If so one gap we have is we also have quite a few events, especially incidents that are created by our helpdesk and support teams directly in Assyst.Web not our end user portal. What we found is those events don’t have the follow functionality.

(2). Related to this we noticed that when someone adds a follower, in Assyst.Web the person’s name shows up in the related Users section of the event. That makes sense, but what’s confusing though is as you know other users are sometimes added manually to events like incidents because they are impacted. Same is true for the repeat call functionality for a Major Incident.

So, if you bring up 2 incidents, both with related users, but 1 created via catalog and 1 created directly in .web you could easily assume in both cases those users are following the event. But again that is only true for the event created on the end user portal. This also is confusing in that in one case someone else is simply “interested” but in the other case the other person is directly impacted by the incident but no way to tell the difference.

(3). Once someone follows an event, outside of showing up for them under my open issues and requests it doesn’t seem like they receive any updates along the way?

For example, we don't see anything in our action process lua scripts that would send email updates to followers. Can you verify this is the case as well?

