I would like to know if there is anyway I can print out a “String” based on the parent task field value
$CURRENT_VALUE + “Reporter Name” + $new.affectedUser.name +"<br>" + "Technology = "+ $new.parentEvent.W("TECHNOLGY").name +"<br>"+ "Start Date = "+ $new.parentEvent.W("ACCESS_START_DATE") +"<br>"+"TEMPORARILY_ACCESS"+" == "+ $new.parentEvent.W("TEMPORARILY_ACCESS")
So basically what I’m trying to do
rather than the users in each task have to access the main record I want to output the fileds directly from the parent ticket into the tasks, which I have done successfully,
my problem is the field “Technology” is a visibility filter based on value for multiple WebCustomGroups
which are not in common
so I would like to show a different text output for each value of “Technology”
right now most fields on the form shows as NO VALUE and I want to hide that to only show the detail for the chosen webCustomGroup