
can the system log an event automatically? if yes, how to enable it?

  • 4 January 2023
  • 1 reply


Hello, everyone i would like to make the assyst log an event directly and assign it to a deapartment automatically.

For example, we can make an email and everytime a employee sends to that email, an event will be created and assigned to a department.

I dont know know whether assyst is capable of it or not?

1 reply

Userlevel 3
Badge +10


this is possible by using ETM to read emails from a mailbox (or folder within a mailbox). Lots of customers do this.

You can keep it simple and have emails logged against the same item/category/assigned team or you can have the emails logged differently based on their subject or the content of the email.

Integrations:assystETM 1.5 - Channel Configuration - assyst11-5Wiki (

