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Automating a SmartMail email that includes attachment(s) from the logged request

  • 16 May 2024
  • 9 replies

Assyst v11.5.2

SmartMail v1.12.5


We are developing a new process in assyst that all starts with a new custom logging form within assystNet. The users completes the questions and then has to attach a document before being able to submit the request.


After the request has been logged, the attachment(s) that the user has attached to the request needs to be attached to an email that is sent externally.


How can I automate this please by using AP rules and SmartMail without someone having to manually trigger this by taking a specific action and select the attachment? The aim is to automate as much of this manual process as possible

9 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +5

Dear customer


Thank you for your question.


Please review the information available in the wiki pages below :


I hope the above information helps resolve your query


Kind regards,


Userlevel 2
Badge +7

Hi Karim, this is something that needs to be automatically taken once a request has been logged and not something that is manually taken by someone from within assyst.

Badge +3

we have a similar need and have been able to get  it to send attachments that are on the actions but not the initial one that is on the event.  so following to see if anyone can help.


Hello @R-CHRIS ,


Currently, Smart Mail allows an assyst user to select attachments that will be emailed to the affected user of the event when an action is taken.

It is currently not possible to trigger an email with attachments when you create the event. However, it is a great suggestion for an improvement.

You can log your suggestion in the ideas area below and this will allow the customer community to see the suggestion and comment/vote on it.

Before saving your idea, enter "assyst" in both the Product Area and Tags fields, to ensure that your idea is registered under the IFS assyst category.



Userlevel 1
Badge +2

Hi  @R-CHRIS ,

Using assyst v11.7.0, SmartMail 1.12.6 and SmartMail V2.

I’m able to attach a document to a request prior to submitting it in assystNET and then after submission, receive an email notification that includes the attachments that were submitted with the request.

SmartMail is called via an AP rule when the request is initially submitted.  There is no manual intervention to add attachments to the email.

Userlevel 2
Badge +7

thanks for your response @momboc.

It’s great to hear that this is possible, we have heard about this Smartmailv2, and are waiting to hear back from our Account Manager as to what SmartMail v2 is, why there is a SmartMail v2, where it fits in…… etc, as there is no documentation about it anywhere.


Badge +3

@momboc  thats great.  can i ask what you have in your ap call or smartmail conf  that adds the attachment? 



Userlevel 1
Badge +2

Hi @kerrylaing ,

The AP rule that calls SmartMailV2 is very simple.

        [[ Test send attachment with email ]],
        [[ EVENT_TYPE == "s"
            and ACT_TYPE_SC == "ASSIGN"
            and ACT_TYPE_COUNT == 1 ]],

The actual adding of the attachment is done via the SmartMailV2 logic.  There was no additional configuration on my part.

Userlevel 3
Badge +12

Hi Chris,

To clarify “ SmartMailV2 logic” is a configuration package designed and provided by Professional Services (scripts, etc.). It is an extension to the standard SmartMail software.

The package itself is not supported through the IFS assyst Service Desk. Any questions about the use of this package require consultancy services.

Kind Regars,
