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On the IFS assyst Mobile app, once logged in to our site, the Home page shows the IFS assyst logo. Is there a way of changing that logo to be something different? 


Dear customer,


Thank you for the question raised.


Please find information in the wiki links below with regards to customization ,including examples :


I hope the above information , helps resolve your query


Kind regards,

@richardwest - Did you ever get this sorted? I just came to ask the same question but I am not sure that the CSS wiki pages provide the answer.

@Steve Miller , no, from what I have found there is no way of changing anything in the Self-Service Mobile App. Everything IFS gives me when I ask about the app is for the Self-Service Mobile Portal, not the app. Its a big miss in my opinion because people need to see something they trust, since our mobile portal was branded for us and has no branding about IFS on it. The app is wonderful, but I would have rather seen them put more effort into the mobile portal and Self-Service Portal making it a responsive design than what they for the mobile app. Don’t get me wrong, the app performs well, but its a big miss on delivering what people need from an IT Self Service ticketing system. 

I think we have figured out how this works @richardwest.


Firstly, the homepage does cascade from user sessions from their homepage in assystNet. However, it ONLY cascades ‘Shortcuts’ and ‘Services’that they have pinned to the home page (example below).

Mobile app example homepage


Secondly, and this might not be connected but it was something we fixed at the same time to worth a mention. We added ‘https://’ to the server URL in our Intune configuration. When I experienced the blank homepage we were had omitted it as per the screenshot in the Wiki.

Intune Configuration Policy screenshot


Note: I have submitted an idea on the community to add service disruptions an announcements to this app. assyst mobile app - Announcements | IFS Community
