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Hi, in IFS Cloud  i have setup 4 PM actions that belongs to same PM Group Id and on the PM actions i have set the Merge to Yes, My goal ist to create a Route Work Order/Tasks with 4 steps-

Then i perform Calendar Generation and all PM action ends up  with 1 WO , 1 Task and 4 steps, on the steps, 4 different object exists ( from PM action).

Also, the pre-posting on a Work Task is set to mandatory, but no pre-posting exists on the Task in this scenario, all the steps has “it’s own preposting” from the different object.

When trying to finish the Task, an message tells me that pre-posting on Work Task in mandatory.

Whats the correct setup for this scenario? The cost for material, hours .. should be devided into the objects on the steps.

Please advise. 



Hi @pafose 


Can you kindly refer below posts related to this issue ?


Regarding fetching pre-posting from PM Group:

22.2E Prepostings from PM Group not inherited to work tasks | IFS Community


Regarding mandatory pre-posting on work tasks:

Work Task - Pre Accounting - Mandatory | IFS Community


Regarding how the cost is divided between the group and merged PM Actions:

PM Group and Merge- cost tracking | IFS Community


Please let us know if this is helpful.


Best Regards,



The 2 links above does not work for me, 
22.2E Prepostings from PM Group not inherited to work tasks | IFS Community
PM Group and Merge- cost tracking | IFS Community

Hi @pafose 



PM Group and Merge- cost tracking | IFS Community


PM Group and Merge functionality is really nice to gather work for a group of objects, is all of the costs, labor, material, tools, then rolled up to each individual object?  Are there any parameters that control how costs are allocated with PM groups?  When Merge is used, is it equally divided?

My Answer:

Kindly note that if you use PM Group and Merge functionality, let’s say 3 PM Actions with 3 different objects were grouped together, then the total cost will be divided equally between the 3 objects. If the total cost is 300, each object will get 100 each.


Best Regards,


Regarding 22.2E Prepostings from PM Group not inherited to work tasks | IFS Community:



Copy from the documentation: 

“The procedure of setting the pre posting on a work task is according to following:

  • If there is any pre posting defined for the actual object connected to task (which can be Equipment Object, VIM or Linear Asset), those pre posting values are copied to the work task. If the actual object does not exist, and the task is connected to a PM Group, pre posting values are copied from the PM Group (if they exist).”

I had expexted that all prepostings from the PM Group was copied to the work task, exept Cost Center and Object that is defined on the actual object.

It makes no sence to define the other code parts on the PM Group, since they not are copied by the standard logic.

Is the intention that this logic must customized/configured for customers that would like to define more pre-postings for other code parts than Cost Center and Object for a PM Group?





Answer from Program Manager for the relevant area:

The key part of the documentation is:
"If the actual object does not exist, and the task is connected to a PM Group, pre posting values are copied from the PM Group (if they exist)."
So if an object exists the preposting is taken from there.
If no object but the Task is connected to a Pm Group, the preposting is taken from the PM Group.

Since the object is mandatory om PM Action the PM Group will never be considered, when creating the Task from PM.
You can get the PM Group presposting on a Task if creating the Task manually under a WO connected to a PM Group and not stating an Object on that Task.

I can agree that the functionality could be expended and work more like e.g. Service Contract preposting, where any preposting values from the Service Contract are added to existing preposting on the Task (e.g. coming from the object).

Hi, thank you, i did a setup of pre-posting on PM Group, 4 PM actions connected and merge flag=Y  and after calendar generation, the one Work Task get the same pre-posting as the PM Group.

And after work task was processed i could in Equipment Object Cost/Revenue Analysis see that all objects has the correct cost. (Each one has 0,1 hr planned, the Work Task then has a duration of 0,4 hr and when i reported 1 hours each one of the objects has 0,25 hr of cost).

But a follow-up question, in Work Task Posting Analysis i could only see 1 transaction with the pre-postings from the Work Task, i expected to have 4 transactions, because the objects has the same Cost Center, but 4 different Project Activities.   


Hi @pafose 

Good to hear that it works fine.

Regarding the follow up question, kindly note that when reporting transactions, for example time, it is reported for the work task and not for the steps. So when we report time, it is recorded as a work task transaction and the pre posting information from the work task is fetched to the transaction created. Since there is no transaction creation for work task step level, this is how the system works and only 1 transaction will be created copying the work task pre postings. However, as you noticed, the cost will be divided between the objects.

Kindly note that there are some limitations when it comes to group and merge functionality, since most of the criteria needs to be same/matched, for the group and merging to take place.

Hope this clarifies the query.

Best Regards,


Hi, all follow-up question involvning bundle work task.

When i manually bundle work task, i can see that all transactions ( hrs..) is splitted according to each tasks pre-posting, thats good.

But..can i in some way set up the PM Group/PM action so when running calendare generation that creates a work order with several Tasks also automatically created a bundle task for all tasks created from PM action or is bundle only a manual users step?
