
Work Order/Work Task/Material -2 material lines can be connected 2 different account in fincnace

Userlevel 1
Badge +5

In Work order/Work Task/Material -- if we add 2 material lines, one line should be connected to one control type in posting control and other to different control type. is there a way to do this in Aurena. 

3 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +7

Hi @Raviprasadprem,

For a material line it is not possible o connect control types. But the inventory transactions created against the material issue can be controlled or differentiated by the Control Types.

refer examples below:


Hope this answer your question. Pls get back if there are further concerns.

Best Regards


Userlevel 1
Badge +5

Hello Eresha,


Thanks for your prompt response, 

My scenario is initially they will not able to finalize that this part is for Warranty, so in work order/Work Task/Material, 2 lines with one Warranty parts will be issued and other for Non warranty, how to link this to control type.



Userlevel 3
Badge +6


If I got it correct there is one part that is issued that might be warranty, and another that not is warranty?

As the all material accountings on a work tasks all uses the same posting control there is good way to handle it on the same work task.

What you can do is to put all costs that might be covered by the warranty on one Work Task and the rest of the costs on another. Then you can set up the from Apps10 new Reposting/WIP functionality to handle the posting control by Cost Codes.

Short version(more info in documentation):

Set up Cost Codes to handle Warranties, preferably to have a WIP handling as Preliminary Warranty costs.

Connect the Warranty Part Work Task to a Warranty.

The issue cost will now be WIP accounted for as Preliminary Warranty costs(if not WIP is used they will be direct accounted for as warranty costs).

When the WIP reversal occurs the cost will be reposted as Warranty Costs.

If the parts not is considered as warranty covered remove the Warranty connection from the Work Task and the costs will be reposted as normal costs(this is also the case if no WIP handling is used, costs will be reposted as normal costs).

