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Once an inventoried material is added to either Serial Object or Functional Object under the Spare Parts tab, how do you then select that material when you are in a Work Order under the Materials tab?

Hi @Cory ,

You can select this from an RMB in the Material tab of the Work Task (from IFS10).

There you select the quantity and the required date and save the record, than the line is added to the material tab of the work task:


If you work with a previous version of IFS, the this should be the same, but then in the Material Tab of the Work Order (I do not have an exqample of that).


Hope this will help you,



Hi @Cory ,

You can select this from an RMB in the Material tab of the Work Task (from IFS10).

There you select the quantity and the required date and save the record, than the line is added to the material tab of the work task:


If you work with a previous version of IFS, the this should be the same, but then in the Material Tab of the Work Order (I do not have an exqample of that).


Hope this will help you,



Hi Robert, 

I’m not the original poster, but I have a follow up question regarding your screenshots. What version of apps 10 are you running? We are running apps 10 update 13, and we aren’t able to access the Add Spare Parts options in the RMB menu until after we manually add one row to the Materials tab. I’ve always found this odd because we’d have to add a row for something we don’t really need, access the spare parts lists, then delete the original row that was added. From your screenshots, it looks like you’re able to access the spare parts RMB menu options without having any rows in the Materials tab.


Evan Edwards

Hi @eedwards ,
You may be trying this on Prepare Work Order window.
In prepare work order, let’s say you create a material header and save. At this point system cannot understand to which task this material header is connected to. System knows that this material header is connected to the work order only. Since in apps10 we consider the object in work task, we cannot make the RMB (Add spare parts..) enable based on the object in the work order even when the work order has one task. 
Task is the executable object in Apps10 and not the work order. Spares should be taken from the object in task not from the work order object. If I explain this further, now say you create a material line record with a task id, at this point system knows to which task this material header is connected to and based on that the object registered in the task is found and RMB option is enabled. If you look at the behavior in ‘Work Task’ screen, as soon as a material header is created and save, system knows to which task this material header is connected to because while creating the material header system has both work order number and task number(material tab is a child of task form) to save. Therefore, system do not have to wait until a material line is created to find to which task this material header is connected to. It will enable the RMB option and allow display spares register in the object connected to the task.
So if you want to get the mentioned RMB options at once, please use Work Task window. 

Hope this will clear your doubt.  😊





Thank you all for your replies. It seems neither of these work. We are running IFS10.

I tried what Robert suggested in a work task and a work order and we just don’t have the option to select from object. Is this an option that may not be switched on for us?





Hi @Nethmini Kosvinna,


Sorry I’m new at this. Please see above screenshots, it seems this is not an option for us. is there something else I may be missing?




Hi Cory,

Which update version are you in App 10? 

There have been a patch provided in UPD 1 which address the same issue.

Please check if this will solve the issue.


Thanks & Best Regards




Hi Cory,


In addition to the above, can you check whether this form is customized ?

I ask because your screen print has some slight changes compared to the standard page.


Also please check whether the needed menu options are enabled. You can check it by , rightclick - select properties in the table area, and follow the screen prints.



Best Regards,


Hi @Cory ,

If all the options of @Thilini Kumarasinghe,  @Nethmini Kosvinna and @ereslk are not working, maby you can try it via the premission set of the connected user. Make sure that it is allowed for the user (Maybe first test it with the application owner IFSAPP if the RMB is available):


Hope you will manage,


Hi @Thilini Kumarasinghe,

Unfortunately, I don’t have and advanced options box. This is all I see.


Thanks again.


Hi Cory,

Did you try this from an end user login ?

May be you can try with a super user /application owner etc ?

Best Regards,


Hi @Thilini Kumarasinghe,


Yes it was from my login so I will probably need to send this through our IT department.

It is very frustrating when I know we know there should be something there but access is denied.

Our department within our company has only been using IFS for around 18 months so everyone is still learning.

Thanks for all your help, much appreciated.

We are having trouble finding this functionality in Cloud.  Is it there?  We are curently using 22R2.



Hi @lemant ,


Below screen print is from IFS Cloud 22R2 version. Is this what you are looking for ?


Best Regards,




Thank you all for your replies. It seems neither of these work. We are running IFS10.

I tried what Robert suggested in a work task and a work order and we just don’t have the option to select from object. Is this an option that may not be switched on for us?





Hi Cory,

I’m not sure if you’ve resolved this yet or not. I looked at the rest of the comments and didn’t see any replies indicating it was, so I thought I’d add another comment. From this screenshot, it looks like you might have right clicked in the blank white space. Can you try again by right clicking on the actual saved material row? In our environment, the spare parts menu options only show up when you right click on an actual material line. It doesn’t show when right clicking in the blank white space.


Evan Edwards

Error: Spare part in Work Task.

I have the Cloud version in 23R2, when I try to attach parts from the object no information appears.

I need to be able to get the parts of the object for the tasks using this function


I have the same behaviour in 23R2 SU1 as described by MiguelAlejos. Is it a bug? I also tested in in 24R1 EA and there it seems to work again… @Nethmini Kosvinna 
I have searched for information in excel 23R2 Service Updates - Fixes, but not found any information
