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I can see this topic has been discussed before, but I cannot see a definitive solution that I can follow to rectify the problem.

Can anyone please assist?




Hi Cory,


There is a fix included in App 10 Update 19 version for this error (Solution ID 305013).


Workaround mentioned in the fix is: If Resources are not completely set up in HR (including HR Schedule), then untick the use HR Schedule for the resources that not has been completely set up, before start using the resource monitoring Gantt.


Best Regards,


Hi @Thilini Kumarasinghe,


Thanks for your response, this makes sense.

Is there any way of narrowing down which resources may be causing the error or should we be unticking everyone in that resource group?

Does this have a flow on affect?




Hi Cory,


You are most welcome.

You need to untick the “Use HR Schedule”, only for the resources that have not been completely set up in HR.

If is completely setup, then you can leave this option as it is.

Calendar information is fetching ‘HR’ when, “Use HR Schedule” is ticked.

Also, Calendar ID is getting null when, ‘WORK_SCHED_ASSIGN_TAB’ has no data for company id and  employee that we are searching. Therefore if a schedule is assigned then we will not get the error.



Therefore I feel you need to check both these tables, whether “Use HR Schedule” is selected and if yes, whether a valid schedule is connected. 


Calendar ID
The ID of the work time calendar that can be used to calculate capacity for the resource group. 


Use HR  Schedule:
Select this option if this person resource is working based on an HR schedule and if the scheduled capacity of the resource should be calculated based on that. If selected, then this value overrides the calendar applicable on the person resource. 


Best Regards


Thanks @Thilini Kumarasinghe 
