
Regenerating Plan adds unnecessary plan entries for the PAST

  • 20 August 2022
  • 1 reply

Badge +2

Background: A month ago, we updated our MAINT calendar to not skip weekends and holidays.

If a monthly PM Action is supposed to be due on the first of a month, but if it was generated prior to the MAINT calendar change, its Maintenance Plan will show some due dates that are on the 2nd or 3rd of a month (if the 1st was a weekend of a holiday).

In such a case, I used the “Regenerate Plan” option and the future due dates are all corrected to the first of a month, as expected.

What is UNexpected, however, is that PAST maintenance plan entries (with Due Dates that are NOT on the first of a month) are added to the maintenance plan after the REgenerating.

For example, the Maintenance Plan tab (prior to REgenerating) had a line with Due Date =1/1/2022 (Saturday), which is good. After I used the “Regenerate Plan” RMB option, in addition to that line, IFS now shows another line under the Maintenance Plan tab with Due Date = 1/3/2022 (Monday), this line unnecessary.

Why does it do it? Can I make “Regenerate Plan” function leave the PAST Maintenance Plan entries alone? 

thank you so much!

1 reply

Userlevel 3
Badge +4

Hi Maria,

Try setting the Valid From date to the date you changed MAINT calendar (or to current date), It should remove this unnecessary lines. It’s the same thing that happens if you created a new revision and do such changes. New revision will start with created date set as Valid From and patterns before that will not affect to the revision.


Best Regards,

