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I have read a few whitepapers on portfolio management from IFS. However I have never seen any practical demos or system setup showcasing a solution.

Most companies probably run an external tool. So do we but this is not to our satisfaction. Our portfolio management is basically running a spreadsheet managing a portfolio of billions of SEK and a very large number of inititiatives.

We are trying to find a solution within IFS. Any experiences or advice would be most welcome.

Best Regards


Hi Anders,

In IFS the project grouping like Program, Category 1/2 are usually used for portfolio management. With supporting lobbies for effective Portfolio management. I don't know which version you are running on (whether lobbies are an option or not). It is also possible to create dependencies between projects seeing the links between the projects. 

When I get the request for portfolio management is more a request for an overall look over all the projects connected to a certain group. 


Thanks for your reply! We’re upgrading to apps 10 so lobbies will be available to us. We can probably work something out in the direction of your suggestions. 


