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Hi lads,

I’m exploring of OEE Analysis Result, using IFS RACE and some data already existed.

Are there any connections between Work Order or PM with Event/Actions/Production Units in OEE to construct the figures reflected in OEE Analysis?

How to connect those data ?


Sooo desperate!



Hi - Implemetated OEE at Linpac many (many) years ago on an old version of IFS APPS. At the time there were no automated links from Shop orders (production, down time) , or Work orders. The Equipment objects were connected to Work Centre resources as per standard at the time. 


From there API’s were developed to send and recieve the Shop Order and  create OEE events from the CNC machines, occurring every 10 minutes which provided very good information at the time for APQ analysis. The customer was very pleased with the result as the graphs in particular provided info that was needed.   


I have not seen any information to suggest this has changed since then , and that it is still manual or a modification is still required.     


I know that you can create a fault report or link an existing work order.

